Vehicles en Playa Hermosa cause the death of newly hatched Olive Ridlet sea turtles
On Saturday, August 19, in Playa Hermosa de Uvita, Costa Ballena Lifeguards, who collaborate with Reserva Playa Tortuga in the protection of sea turtles, encountered a sad scene: newborn olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) were found dead due to to the...
Closing the turtle season 2022-2023 at Playa Hermosa, Uvita
With the release of 74 green turtles, Chelonia mydas, in Playa Hermosa on Thursday, April 13, the 2022-2023 turtle season came to an end. Throughout the season, as is customary in the Reserva Playa Tortuga (RPT), patrolling efforts were made to search for nests in...
RPT presented results of the rocky reef monitoring project in three protected areas of the Central Pacific of Costa Rica
On March 28, 2023, the workshop to present results of the project called "Scientific studies of the marine-coastal habitats of 3 ACOPAC Protected Areas (Manuel Antonio National Park, Isla San Lucas National Park, National Wildlife Refuge Playa Hermosa-Punta Mala)” was...
RPT organizó sus puertas abiertas para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre y presentar sus proyectos a la comunidad
El 3 de marzo se celebró el Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre con el lema “Alianzas en favor de la conservación de la vida silvestre” en homenaje a aquellas personas que trabajan colaborativamente para cuidar y conservar la fauna y flora silvestre. En este contexto, la...
RPT will continue with research project on Rays in the Térraba river
On January 2023 the first survey of the project called “Diversity of rays in the Térraba river and its interaction with the local small-scale fisheries”. The goals of this projects are Identify the diversity of rays present in the river and how the local fishery...
El grupo de Guías y Scouts 78 Wak-Tsurí visitó la Reserva Playa Tortuga
Desde el 26 al 29 de diciembre la Reserva Playa Tortuga tuvo el agrado de recibir a un grupo de 20 jóvenes guías y scouts de entre 15 a 17 años, provenientes de Escazú, San José. Dicho grupo scouts, tiene como misión la educación no formal de mejores personas y...